Paediatric perioperative care isn’t just a course; it’s a calling. Answer the call with us! Saving little lives, one skill at a time.

Malaysian Society of Paediatric Anaesthesiologists had successfully embarked the 2nd Pediatric Perioperative Life Support Course of 2023 (23rd September 2023) at Wawasan Open University, Penang organised by the team of dr Dr. Shariffah Raguan (Penang). Without guidance from Dr Agnes Ng (ASPA PPLS founder), leadership of Prof Dr Felicia Lim (Chairman of ASPA PPLS Workshop Malaysia) & Dr Usha (Assistant Chairman of ASPA PPLS Workshop Malaysia), and local faculties & facilitators, PPLS penang 2023 couldn’t be a success in providing knowledge and training to participants.

PPLS facilitators were consisted of:
Dr Agnes Ng (Singapore), Prof. Dr. Felicia Lim (Kuala Lumpur), Dr. Usha Nair (Ipoh), Dr. Foo Sze Yuen (Kuala Lumpur), Dr. Lakshmi (Kangar), Dr. Phang Ye Yun (Kuala Lumpur), Dr. Ruwaida Isa (Kota Bahru), Dr. Samantha Wong (Kuala Lumpur), Dr. Sanah Mohtar (Kuching), and Dr. Yoga Bhavani (Johor Bahru)

This one full day workshop comprised of 6 lectures, 4 skills stations and 6 interactive case discussions along with the breaking bad news role play, covering identification and management of: child at risk such as hypovolemic child from trauma and dehydration or septic child, hypoxic cardiac arrest, child with hyper-reactive airway, i.e. laryngospasm or bronchospasm, child at risk of airway obstruction, e.g. airway anomalies, common and uncommon causes of perioperative cardiac arrest, e.g. local anaesthetic toxicity, arrhythmias, and also covering : effective management of perioperative crisis, effective resuscitation, management of shockable rhythms: drugs, cardioversion and defibrillation, teamwork during crisis management, communication and breaking bad news.

Come! Become a guardian angel in the operating room. Enroll in our ASPA PPLS Paediatric Perioperative Life Support course and be ready to save young lives! Lets have bright futures with skilled hands. Learn from PPLS and be a part of every child’s journey to health. Follow MSPA FB or Instagram to look next PPLS in Malaysia!

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