28th February 2023

Report by Dr Ruwaida Binti Isa

Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Department of Hospital Tunku Azizah Kuala Lumpur in collaboration with Malaysian Society of Paediatric Anaesthesiologists was privileged to organise a day workshop on Paediatric Airway and Simulation  which was held on 28th February 2023 at Hospital Tunku Azizah.

Children are different from adults in many aspects of airway management. Incidence of unexpected difficult airway management in children is low,  but  early recognition and anticipated difficulty in managing the airway is important . However due to centralisation of paediatric patients coming for surgery to tertiary referral hospital, it has led to minimal  exposure and experience of handling paediatric patients in other general hospitals.

The objective of the workshop is  to refresh and update skills in managing paediatric airway as well as difficult vascular access using Ultrasound Guided technique. It consist of  lectures, perioperative airway crisis simulation and  skill station with  different types of airway adjuncts  and advance airway equipment.

The facilitors  for this workshop consist of  Consultant Paediatric Anaesthesiologists and  Consultant Anaesthesiologist who are expert in conducting simulation of airway crisis – scenario. They are from different medical facilities which  include Private sector, Universities and MOH hospital with a mission to educate and share their knowledge and skills to the young generation. Thirty participants majority are from Klang Valley  has attended this workshop and gained knowledge on tips and updates on  handling difficult paediatric airway which is useful for their daily clinical practices at their respectives hospital.There will always room for improvent and with this event, the participation of different equipment company with their latest gadgets exposed those participants with the new technology.

We would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to all the facilitators  for making the workshop a huge success : Prof. Dr Felicia Lim Siew Kiau (Pusat Perubatan University Kebangsaan Malaysia), Prof Dr Ina ismiarti shariffudin(University Malaya Medical Centre), Dr Thavaranjitham (Asunta Hospital), Dr Noorulhana Sukarnakadi Hadzarami( Hospital Kuala Lumpur), Dr  Rajeswary Kanathipillai (Hospital Tunku Jaafar,), Dr Hamidah Ismail (Sunway Medical Centre ), Dr Wong Wai Hong (Sunway Medical Centre), Dr Teo Shu Ching (Hospital Umum Sarawak) , Dr Nurhafiizhoh Abd Hamid (Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah) and Dr Sivaraj Chandran (Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah). The knowledge, experience and skills that were passed down to the juniors doctors were highly appreciated and definitely benefited.

Participants, committee members  and Facilitators in paediatric airway and Simulation workshop 2023
Facilitators (Standing left to right: Dr Noorulhana Sukarnakadi Hadzarami, Dr Sivaraj Chandran, Dr Wong Wai Hong, Dr Teo Shu Ching, Prof Dr Ina ismiarti shariffudin, Dr Thavaranjitham,Dr Nurhafiizhoh Abd Hamid) (Sitting left to right: Dr Intan Zarina Fakir Mohamed (Workshop Advisor), Dr Rajeswary Kanathipillai , Dr Ruwaida Isa ( Chairperson), Dr Hamidah Ismail, Prof. Dr Felicia Lim Siew Kiau.)
Prof Dr Felicia delivering her lecture.

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